Robe of the Whistling Fist

The robe of the Whistling Fist is the upgrade to the Robe of the Lost Circle, so obviously that quest needs to be completed first.

You need to speak to a 'Brother Balatin', who is a skeletal Monk on the pyramid in the giant wizard spires within the Dreadlands in Kunark. The giant spires are located at the far end of the zone, where the Druid rings are. He is KOS to all, and needs an enchanter to charm him, otherwise he will attack you. He will still be scowling, but will talk to you and except the items required.

Note: He must be Charmed, not mezzed, and it is advisable for the 'charmer' to be an Enchanter, as a Bards Charm is pulse based, and breaks and recharms every 9 secs or so. Balatin breaks charm sometimes quicker than a normal NPC would, so it is best to be on the safe side.

He does not speak or respond to hails while feigned either.

'Hail Brother Balatin'

Brother Balatin turns to you. A transparent human face materalizes upon the skull. As he speaks the smell of rotted rat corpses rushes into your face. You must fight the urge to vomit. What discipline do you follow?

'I follow the Brotherhood of the Lost Circle'

Brother Balatin says 'Then we are one. The rebirth of our circle shall start with you. I have waited decades for your arrival. You should seek the living brothers within Tunaria. When you have earned your garb then you will be ready for the true drape.

'I am ready for the true drape'

Brother Balatin says 'Seek the broken flute of our master. Taken from us by the Iksar twins of Vistrei. To me they will come and to me your robe and to you will come the dawning of the new brotherhood.
The quest is possible to be done via 'multi questing', ie it will work if you use two other people to turn the pipes in.

Firstly, charm Brother Balatin, hail him, and go through all the text, then have helper A turn in their pipe, and wait to get the "I need more" message.

Have helper B turn in the other pipe, again wait to get the "I need more or all will be lost" message.

Then turn in your robe. You can take your time handing in each no-drop item, as there's no super-short time limit of 5 seconds to do so. Also, it is reported to still be ok if the charm breaks while you are handing in items. Just recharm him and continue as if nothing happened. The person that this happened to still got their robe.

Make sure the recipient of the Robe is the person who hands in the last piece.

Iksar Betrayer - Chardok

One of the pieces of the steel flute is found on the Iksar Betrayer within Chardok. He is approx a 53rd Monk Mob, and can be taken down by a good group of 50+'s. He is a rare spawn, but not in Rasters league.

The Betrayer is found in the tunnel area, not far from the zone out. The tunnel is 15' above the ground, so levitate or some other means is required to access it. The tunnel contains at least 3 wanderers, any of which can be the Betrayer.

It is highly recommended for the group to be level 52+, and contain a Enchanter/Bard for crowd control. The Mobs here hit very hard, and spread aggro easily to one another, resulting in often add ons.

Pulling to the zone out is an option, but the puller will get severly beaten in the run back, but if you do pull to the zone out, you will have the luxury of zoning to remove excess aggro rather than /quit ing out. There are alot of caster Mobs here, some Mobs will Gate, and others move at SoW speed.

It is roughly a 26 min spawn in Chardok.

He drops 'A Metal Pipe', which when identified, shows as "Fi"

Drolvarg Pawbuster - Karnors

The other piece is found on a Drolvarg Pawbuster in Karnors.

The Pawbuster also drops 'A Metal Pipe', indentical to the one dropped by the Betrayer. This piece identifies as "Zan"

When the two pieces of pipe, along with your Robe of the Lost Circle, are handed in to the charmed Brother Balatin you are presented with the Robe of the Whistling Fist, and the following text:

~~ Text to be added ~~

The Robe of the Whistling Fists is used in the Monk Epic Quest for the Celestial Fists.

The Robe effect, 'Johnathon's Whistling Warsong', is a self Song/Spell Haste, AC and Strength buff. Because it is a Song, the effect only lasts 9 seconds before having to be reactivated by right clicking on it.

The Haste is 25%, the Str bonus is 20 to 35, and the AC bonus is 8 to 11, dependant on your level.
Robe of the Whistling Fist
Robe of the Whistling Fist